Hello Friends... meet your Photographer

Some random facts about little old me ...

1. Born 1st January ... oh and I'm also a twin - I know what you want to ask... she is a girl and we are non identical
2. Love a bit of country music
3. I love long walks - the sea is my happy place
4. My house is full with plants & pampas grass
5. I love DIY and often share on my Insta me painting everything
6. Chocolate lover over sweets

Hello there, I'm Emily ...

A lover of life and all things simple. Very energetic and get excited about the little things. You will generally always see me with a smile on my face- if not give us a hug !

Number one for me is family and friends, there really is no greater gift. I am a very proud Auntie to three wonderful nephews, two of which are identical twins (oh my how it runs in the family), and also my two amazing nieces. Who of course all get regular photo shoots, whether they like it or not :-P. I also have the pleasure of having three nieces and three nephews on my partners side who I just adore. Being Auntie is literally the best thing ever, and in 2024 to then become a Mumma myself has been a dream come true. I absolutely adore motherhood, the highs and lows and everything in between- but i've learnt how important you time is and having Mummy friends. So if you are reading this and need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

The start of my photography journey came from winning (yes winning) an olympus digital camera when I was 17 on a school trip to Japan. It was in some lucky dip machine at a gift shop. This started an ever growing love. I really do feel blessed that Photography is my full time job. I super appreciate people trusting me to let me meet their newborn, be part of an occasion or run around silly with their children. It is a big deal, choosing a photographer can be really hard. One thing I can promise you is I will get to know you, and I will feel more like an old friend than just some random with a camera.

Taking photos connects us to our memories. I know I'm not saving lives or inventing the next amazing gadget but what I do means something to me, and if you are here photography means something to you too. Get in the photos, be part of the magic, because as we grow and are blessed with age these moments are worth remembering.

I have photographed so many amazing people, from days new to knowing its their last few weeks on this crazy earth. If you are anxious about photos I understand, people always say to me "I hate my photo being taken". Its my job to put you at ease and enjoy the whole experience. Your kids may be 'too crazy', well what I say to that is good. Your photos should show their cheeky selfs, because kids don't have to be sensible, they're kids!

Please feel free to check out my website and drop me a message at any time, I would love to connect with you xx